Successfully building and maintaining the industry requires sound continuing management of its information, including the ideas and inventions, the operating details and information required or protected by governmental agencies, business partners and customers.
Often considered the most important asset of an enterprise is its identity, in which subsists its goodwill developed over extended effort and operation and its access to its operational assets (bank accounts, etc.). This identity, in turn, subsists in its trade name, trademarks and service marks, as well as in communications access points, notably internet domain names and links.
HLG offers services in registering (including USPTO litigation) of trademarks and service marks and in court and agency (e.g., USITC) litigation of commercial identity (unfair competition) cases, such as trademark infringement actions and domain name arbitration.
HLG also offers services in contractual management of open source software development and litigation of copyright infringement cases.
Through the 25-year involvement of an HLG principal as the representative of Massachusetts in the conference of the States in development of commercial law, particularly involving electronic commerce and privacy, HLG has special expertise and experience in web contracts, blockchain and other cryptographic technology and authentication laws that complement its technological facility with computer networks and communications. Thus, HLG can offer its full-spectrum advantage in matters of web communication, contracting, cybersecurity and privacy.